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Built-in Fonts~

The ESP8266 firmware only has 1 built-in font: Unscii with font size 8pt.

The ESP32 firmware builds additionally contain the Roboto Condensed font in four font sizes depending on the display resolution:

  • 320x240: 12, 16, 24 and 32pt including
  • 480x320: 16, 24, 32 and 48pt including

Including selected glyphs of Latin-1 character set and MaterialDesign icons below.

The built-in fonts can be set by using the pointsize as parameter. For example:



It is possible to create custom builds with built-in fonts of other sizes (choose any four of 12, 14, 16, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32, 36, 38, 40, 44, 48) and supporting Latin-2 or Cyrillic character sets (even combined) by customizing user_config_override.h.

Built-in Icons~

The icons in the list below are included with the built-in font sizes. Included are a range of arrows, navigation, climate, controls, devices, energy, lights, places, presence, security, sound, time and wireless icons.

Icon Code Name Icon Code Name
E045 arrow-down F2A3 battery-high
E6C0 arrow-down-box F2A1 battery-low
E04D arrow-left F2A2 battery-medium
E054 arrow-right E08E battery-outline
E05D arrow-up E5F1 ev-station
E6C3 arrow-up-box E32A leaf
E140 chevron-down F40B lightning-bolt
E141 chevron-left E425 power
E142 chevron-right E6A5 power-plug
E143 chevron-up E769 ceiling-light
E60C subdirectory-arrow-left F020 coach-lamp
E01B air-conditioner E95F desk-lamp
E957 cloud-search-outline E8DD floor-lamp
E238 fire E6B5 lamp
E438 radiator E335 lightbulb
EAD7 radiator-disabled E6E8 lightbulb-on
E717 snowflake F054 outdoor-lamp
E50F thermometer F2BA string-lights
E58C water F1E1 vanity-light
E58E water-percent E91C wall-sconce
E590 weather-cloudy E12C check
E591 weather-fog E156 close
E592 weather-hail E493 cog
E593 weather-lightning E1D9 dots-vertical
E67E weather-lightning-rainy E2DC home
E594 weather-night E6A1 home-outline
E595 weather-partly-cloudy E374 minus
E596 weather-pouring E415 plus
E597 weather-rainy E2E3 bed
E598 weather-snowy E10B car
E67F weather-snowy-rainy E176 coffee
E599 weather-sunny E606 pool
E59D weather-windy E9A0 shower
E59E weather-windy-variant EA70 silverware-fork-knife
E5A8 white-balance-sunny E4B9 sofa
E0ED calendar E9AB toilet
E150 clock-outline E004 account
E2DA history E64A human-greeting
E51B timer-outline E70E run
E0AF bluetooth E026 alert
E5A9 wifi E7AE cctv
E0AC blinds E81B door-closed
F011 blinds-open F0AF door-closed-lock
F2D4 garage-open-variant E81C door-open
F2D3 garage-variant E30B key-variant
F11C window-shutter E33E lock
F11D window-shutter-alert EFC6 lock-open-variant
F11E window-shutter-open E565 shield-check
E09A bell E68A shield-home
E11C cellphone E99D shield-lock
EAAC dishwasher F1DB window-closed-variant
E1FA engine EF5F monitor-speaker
E210 fan E75A music
E96B fountain E3E4 pause
E28F fridge-outline E40A play
E5FA kettle E456 repeat
E322 laptop E457 repeat-off
EC99 microwave E458 repeat-once
F39D recycle-variant E49D shuffle
F1F3 robot-mower-outline E49E shuffle-disabled
E70D robot-vacuum E4AD skip-next
E4DE stove E4AE skip-previous
E502 television E4C3 speaker
EA7A trash-can-outline E4DB stop
E917 tumble-dryer E57E volume-high
E72A washing-machine E580 volume-medium
E58F water-pump E75F volume-mute

To use an icon in a text you need to prefix the UTF-8 character code with \u. To ensure proper decoding the payload should be used with a json or jsonl command.

jsonl example:

{"page":2,"id":1,"obj":"label","x":10,"y":50,"w":150,"h":50,"text":"\uE64A Hello world!","text_font":24}

json example:

["p2b1.text=\uE64A Hello world!"]

External Fonts~

You can also add a custom .zi font by uploading it to the internal flash. Apply it as the default font on the Configuration > HASP Settings page. To use it, set the pointsize parameter of the property to 0.

Last update: 2023-12-09