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Built-in Fonts~

The ESP8266 firmware only has 1 built-in font: Unscii with font size 8pt.

The ESP32 additionally contains the Ubuntu Condensed font in these font sizes: 12, 16, 22 and 28pt.

The built-in fonts can be set by using the pointsize as parameter:

for example:


Proposed built-in Icons~

Top 80~100 icons will be included in the built-in font sizes, this means importance >=45 or >=35:

img haspCP name importance mdiCP purpose remarks
E12C check 100 0xf012c btn-nav lvgl keyboard
E140 chevron-down 100 0xf0140 arrow lvgl keyboard
E141 chevron-left 100 0xf0141 arrow lvgl keyboard
E142 chevron-right 100 0xf0142 arrow lvgl keyboard
E143 chevron-up 100 0xf0143 arrow lvgl keyboard
E156 close 100 0xf0156 btn-nav lvgl keyboard
E045 arrow-down 95 0xf0045 arrow navigation
E04D arrow-left 95 0xf004d arrow navigation
E054 arrow-right 95 0xf0054 arrow navigation
E05D arrow-up 95 0xf005d arrow navigation
E2DC home 95 0xf02dc btn-nav place
E374 minus 95 0xf0374 btn-nav controls
E415 plus 95 0xf0415 btn-nav controls
E717 snowflake 95 0xf0717 climate scene and weather
E60C subdirectory-arrow-left 95 0xf060c arrow use lvgl keyboard-return
E599 weather-sunny 95 0xf0599 climate scene and weather
E5A8 white-balance-sunny 95 0xf05a8 climate scene; controls and weather
E335 lightbulb 90 0xf0335 light home control
E6E8 lightbulb-on 90 0xf06e8 light home control
E50F thermometer 90 0xf050f climate sensor display
E58E water-percent 90 0xf058e climate sensor display
E594 weather-night 90 0xf0594 climate scene and weather
F40B lightning-bolt 80 0xf140b energy sensor display
E5A9 wifi 80 0xf05a9 wireless connectivity display
E11C cellphone 75 0xf011c device presence
E425 power 75 0xf0425 energy home control
E769 ceiling-light 70 0xf0769 light home control
E81B door-closed 70 0xf081b security sensor display
F0AF door-closed-lock 70 0xf10af security sensor display
E81C door-open 70 0xf081c security sensor display
E322 laptop 70 0xf0322 device presence
E6A5 power-plug 70 0xf06a5 energy home control
E150 clock-outline 65 0xf0150 time sensor display
F2D4 garage-open-variant 65 0xf12d4 control home control
F2D3 garage-variant 65 0xf12d3 control home control
F11C window-shutter 65 0xf111c control home control
F11D window-shutter-alert 65 0xf111d control home control
F11E window-shutter-open 65 0xf111e control home control
E10B car 60 0xf010b place
E33E lock 60 0xf033e security sensor display
EFC6 lock-open-variant 60 0xf0fc6 security sensor display
F054 outdoor-lamp 60 0xf1054 light nan
E70D robot-vacuum 60 0xf070d device home control
E99D shield-lock 60 0xf099d security
E01B air-conditioner 55 0xf001b climate
E026 alert 55 0xf0026 security sensor display
E09A bell 55 0xf009a device home control
E30B key-variant 55 0xf030b security
E32A leaf 55 0xf032a energy sensor/eco display
E438 radiator 55 0xf0438 climate home control
EAD7 radiator-disabled 55 0xf0ad7 climate home control
E68A shield-home 55 0xf068a security
E4AD skip-next 55 0xf04ad sound home device control
E4AE skip-previous 55 0xf04ae sound home device control
E502 television 55 0xf0502 device
E0AC blinds 50 0xf00ac control home control
F011 blinds-open 50 0xf1011 control home control
E70E run 50 0xf070e presence motion sensor display
E565 shield-check 50 0xf0565 security
EA70 silverware-fork-knife 50 0xf0a70 place
E75F volume-mute 50 0xf075f sound
E4B9 sofa 49 0xf04b9 place
E004 account 48 0xf0004 presence interaction - media player - artist
E2E3 bed 48 0xf02e3 place
E64A human-greeting 48 0xf064a presence interaction
E9A0 shower 48 0xf09a0 place
E606 pool 46 0xf0606 place
F020 coach-lamp 45 0xf1020 light
E8DD floor-lamp 45 0xf08dd light
E6B5 lamp 45 0xf06b5 light
E456 repeat 45 0xf0456 sound home device control
E457 repeat-off 45 0xf0457 sound home device control
E458 repeat-once 45 0xf0458 sound home device control
F1F3 robot-mower-outline 45 0xf11f3 device home control
E49D shuffle 45 0xf049d sound home device control
E49E shuffle-disabled 45 0xf049e sound home device control
E4C3 speaker 45 0xf04c3 sound home device control
EA7A trash-can-outline 45 0xF0A7A device trash tank full
F1E1 vanity-light 45 0xf11e1 light
E57E volume-high 45 0xf057e sound home device control
E91C wall-sconce 45 0xf091c light
E0AF bluetooth 40 0xf00af wireless connectivity display
E493 cog 40 0xf0493 btn-nav navigation
E210 fan 40 0xf0210 device home control
E238 fire 40 0xf0238 climate heating / fireplace
E3E4 pause 40 0xf03e4 sound home device control
E40A play 40 0xf040a sound home device control
E4DB stop 40 0xf04db sound home device status
E4DE stove 40 0xf04de device nan
E580 volume-medium 40 0xf0580 sound home device status
E72A washing-machine 39 0xf072a device nan
E917 tumble-dryer 38 0xf0917 device nan
EAAC dishwasher 37 0xf0aac device nan
E28F fridge-outline 36 0xF028F device nan
EC99 microwave 36 0xF0C99 device nan
E95F desk-lamp 35 0xf095f light
E5F1 ev-station 35 0xf05f1 energy sensor display/control
E9AB toilet 35 0xf09ab place
E58C water 35 0xf058c climate sensor display/control
E176 coffee 34 0xf0176 place
F2BA string-lights 34 0xf12ba light
E51B timer-outline 33 0xf051b time
F1DB window-closed-variant 33 0xF11DB security alarm / sensor
E08E battery-outline 32 0xf008e energy sensor display
E6A1 home-outline 32 0xf06a1 btn-nav use normal version instead
E96B fountain 31 0xF096B device nan
E5FA kettle 31 0xf05fa device nan
E75A music 31 0xf075a sound media player -song
E58F water-pump 31 0xf058f device
E6C0 arrow-down-box 30 0xf06c0 arrow control
E6C3 arrow-up-box 30 0xf06c3 arrow control
F2A3 battery-high 30 0xf12a3 energy sensor display
F2A1 battery-low 30 0xf12a1 energy sensor display
F2A2 battery-medium 30 0xf12a2 energy sensor display
E0ED calendar 29 0xF00ED time date
E7AE cctv 29 0xF07AE security nan
E2DA history 29 0xF02DA time nan
E1D9 dots-vertical 28 0xf01d9 navigation menu
E1FA engine 28 0xf01fa device nan
EF5F monitor-speaker 28 0xf0f5f sound home device control

To use an icon in a text you need to prefix the UTF-8 value with \u. To ensure proper decoding the payload should be used with a json or jsonl command.

jsonl example:

{"page":2,"id":1,"obj":"label","x":0,"y":50,"w":150,"h":50,"text":"\uE64A Hello world!"}

json example:

["p2b1.text=\uE64A Hello world!"]

Custom Fonts~

You can add a custom .zi font by uploading it to the internal flash. Apply it as the default font on the Configuration > HASP Settings page. To use it, set the pointsize parameter of the property to 0.

Last update: 2023-12-09